Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sick days still..... May 2013

I continue to have sick days.... this past few weeks has been particularly rough. I am never really quite sure what makes the difference between days when I can run and feel healthy and strong, and then other days, or sometimes weeks when I can hardly get out of bed. The days I am up, I am so grateful for all the moments that I get to have outside, and play with my kids and family. I especially love the days I can run because I know thats when I am at my healthiest. At times when I am sick, I wonder how long this particular phase will last.... always hoping that it will finish itself up soon, so that I can be back doing the things I love. This past year has been by far the most intense with regards to my health. I keep hoping and praying for answers that will allow my health to return for good! :)

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