Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Family Reunion :) May 24th to 27th 2013

Saturday morning Dan made us a great dutch oven breakfast!! It was a great way to start things off!!

All the kids like walking to the park together... I love our big family caravan of people as we walk through the neighborhood!
Grandma surprised all of the grandkids with baskets of goodies!!! And oh how they loved that! She really made that fun for them and they were all so excited to see her and get to give her big hugs!
Time for games in the park (and tennis, and playground and just running around, talking, laughing and having fun!) Julie is explaining the "rules"?? I have to admit we are a sort of a competivite bunch... ha ha..... but in the end we tried to really put the kids first and make it fun for them!! :)

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