Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Scout Mountain

One of our very favorite places to go!! We make so many good memories here... its a true family tradition at reunions!!

 We got a tree swing up and going.... it took some creativity but between all of us we managed it, and the kids had a lot of fun on it.

 From youngest to oldest, all of the cousins are such good friends with each other. They love each other so much and made so many good memories together, and really take care of each other!!
 Danny really enjoyed keeping the fire going! :)

 Sterling cooked us up some special hot dots... wrapped with bacon, and topped with pico de gallo and the works! YUM!!
 I think the stick and pine cone creation was Kaitlyn's.... I love it!!
 We were so happy that mom, dad and David were able to join us at Scout Mountain. I know David really loves coming, and we really love having him there!!
 Ha Ha..... Bret saved us from the scout mountain geyser :)
So much fun! And so many happy faces.. we even had a marshmallow war, and the kids loved to go off exploring and having their own adventures!! :)

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