Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Easter 2013

 One of the blooms on our beautiful Easter Lily. The kids loved watching as this plant the week before Easter. It has several closed blooms. We would put it in the sunlight with a closed bloom facing the sun, and over a 24 hour period, the bloom would open and become full. The next day we would turn the plant so that another closed bloom could face the sunlight. They kids were amazed by it and even the changes throughout the as it went from starting to open to being fully bloomed.
 The girls all ready for church.
 The boys.... Tanners eyes are a bit red, because Bretty was leaving for a few days, and Tanner was going to really miss him! We got to have Easter dinner together before Bretty left with cousins.
Samantha helped me make a beautiful Easter dinner. She is such a great help in the kitchen.

The kids had a lot of fun painting Easter eggs.... we had barely gotten them finished when they started to gobble them up. I am so glad they love to EAT boiled eggs as much as they love to COLOR them!! :)

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