Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Day of Preschool, May 2013

Last Day of Preschool!! I can't believe the time is really here. She is growing up, and sometimes I just want to keep her little!! We had such a wonderful day together. We spent her last day at school taking pictures with her teachers and friends, walking to the park, playing at the playground, having fun with a parachute, rolling down the hill, running, playing tag..... all the fun things little kids do. They had a surprise visit from the fire station, got to learn about fire safety and each of the kids got to sit in the truck and spray water from the fire hose. We walked back to our car hand and hand,... and both of us were just a little bit quiet.... remembering so many fun, fun days... memories and people we love from this great preschool that she has been attending since she was 3 years old.

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