Monday, February 11, 2013

1/10/2013 Inspirations and Faith

We had a great ward conference today. Very uplifting and encouraging. It was interesting to hear our Bishop speak, as he is currently recovering from knee replacement surgery and has not been feeling well. I had to laugh and cry at the same time when he said... "Now I may not be out running marathons with Sister Chipman... but I am happy to be able to walk again!"... I will be happy to have the stamina to both walk and run again. We were able to meet with the Bishop later in the day, and it gave a me a lot of courage, hope and confidence, that things will once again be well in time. It may take time, patience, and endurance... but I know that as I believe, obey and endure... my life will be blessed, and that gives me a lot of hope!

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