Sunday, March 3, 2013

2/25/2013 to 2/27/2013 Hearts for Ashley

One of the young women in our ward had an accident and was in the hospital with a skull fracture. Samantha is in beehives with her and they were at track practice together when it happened. She is in Brets Sunday School class that he teaches, and she is also one of the babysitters that has helped out while I have been sick (and Tyler LOVES her!!!). We drove up Monday to see her at Primary Childrens Hospital, and on Wednesday the beehives and mia maids came over for Young Womens to "heart attack" her. It turned out to be a great experience.... they wrote all sorts of hearts and notes to put up in her bedroom, in her drawers, and in fun places where she will be able to find them and hopefully continue to get strength from them as she recovers. They also made some posters, and we put together a "get well" basket for her. The girls and sneaked over, and with the help of her mom, were able to get inside her house and sneak up to her bedroom to do the "heart attack". Then we snuck back down, and onto the front porch where we rang the doorbell as if we had just arrived. We went in to see her in the living room with our posters and gift baskets and the girls spent a few minutes visiting with her and letting her know they cared about her. They were excited to know that she would still be surprised sometime after they left, when she went to her room and realized that there were notes everywhere! What a great night, and what great youth. It was a great experience!

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