Sunday, March 3, 2013

02/19/2013 to 02/22/2013 Catching up....

This last few weeks has been a bit of a whirlwind, but I think I still caught a few fun times on camera... Tyler and I went for a walk together... the weather is finally getting warmer.. we have had a few days in the 40's!. :) We celebrate our family Valentines Day on the Sunday after Valentines Day... the kids get a few fun treats and we share letters and valentines with each other that have been collecting in our family Valentines Mailbox. Tyler got to be the "mail delivery girl" which she thought was great. Tyler really enjoys being home, and getting to do fun things like dress up in her dance clothes and dance for everyone, listen to primary songs, and color pictures for everyone, and one of her favorites... is helping Samantha to make cookies. Samantha makes some really good snickerdoodles!

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