Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1/8/2013 Still finishing Christmas cards

Well.... these cards are either really early, or really late. I am pretty sure that is the latter category these fall into, :) We still have a few Christmas cards that we are looking for addresses for that we are trying to get off. Some years, I have had them all ready to go by the first of December. This year, we trickled through getting a few sent out at a time, as we had a few minutes here and there. My health has not been the best the best this year, so getting them out, is an accomplishment in and of itself. But I love how it comes together when its finished... pictures of our kids and family, and Bret puts together a sweet and thoughtful letter to send out with them as well. I keep it on our fridge most of the year... and it makes me happy, just having it up there. Its a little bit of Christmas that stays with us throughout the year. :)

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