Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/2013 Catching up... Dinners, Talks, School

I have been quite sick the last while, and I afraid I have gotten behind. I will see if I can catch up with some of the highlights. Samantha spent a day at grandma's making frozen dinners! She had a lot of fun and I appreciate her always being so willing to help! She also continues to get up early each morning to head out for indoor track/conditioning. She heads out in her shorts and t-shirt into the bitter cold... and then takes warm clothes to change into. She has really enjoyed the training though. On Sunday she gave her first talk in Sacrament Meeting. She spoke at a young 19 year old girl's mission farewell, and she really did a great job!! We have been going to Grandmas on Sunday afternoon for dinners, which we have all really enjoyed and appreciated. We have dinner, FHE, dessert, and a game. Last night we had pink cupcakes that the kids LOVED!! We played "Red light/Green light", and "Mother-May-I" Bret brougt me flowers to try to bring a reminder of summer. This morning I woke up to seeing the flowers on the table, against the backdrop of falling snow seen through the window behind. It was really pretty and somehow the flowers made the snow seem more beatufiful. :) I will start back with physical therapy today. I have started a new medication that should start to work in the next 4-12 weeks. I am anxious to be feeling well again. Camp will be here before we know it, and there is much to be done!! :) Tyler is loving having extra play time with some of the young women in the neighborhood who come to help in the afternoons! Today, Ashley is going to help her do a makeover, and I think play dough is planned for tomorrow!! :) Bret and Tanner have both started working towards learning the violin as well. I love to have music in the home. It is one of my favorite things. Bret continues to play his basketball games and is really enjoying that. He got to have a surprise visit from Grandpa Chipman and Grandma Linda at his last game. Grandpa Chipman also brought him a chess-board-computuer, which he has been nearly glued to ever since! :) Tanner, ... he always keeps us laughing! He is really progressing in his reading and at school. He wants to do anything Bret does and loves going to watch Bret play his games! I hope that we are in for warmer temperatures soon. Yesterday it hit close to 40, and we were all in heaven!! :)

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